07 Feb WOD- Saturday, Feb 8
Have you signed up for your dunk for the Paleo Challenge yet? First dunk is Feb 14th. Hurry, spots are filling up! Sign-up
3 Partner WODs:
A) 6 min Row for Max Calories
-One urg per partner
B) 4 Min for Max reps Double Unders* and pull-up hold
Partner A can only accumulate double unders while Partner B holds chin above bar**
-Share the work any way you like.
-Any grip is acceptable for chin up hold
*Sub DU with Lateral Bar Hops
**Sub chin up with hanging L-sit with feet hovering over box
C) 6 min AMRepAP
60 air squats
40 partner burpees
KBS for Reps
*Only one partner can work at a time- Better move fast!
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