16 May WOD- Saturday, May 17
Mobility Workshop today at 11:30-1:30. Save time and sign up online here. Bring your therapy and alpha balls.
Skillz: 2 rounds, in any order (20 mins)
- 10 Knees 2 feet
- 10 kipping MU transition
- 10 jumping MU transition
- 30 sec Ring support / Ring L-sit
- 15 GHD sit-ups
WOD- 4 rounds for time:
- 14 DB/KB Snatches @ 55/35
- 100 m DB/KB Carry
- 4 Muscle Ups*
- 100 m DB/KB Carry
DB/KB can be held anyway for the carry
sub- 2 Burpee C2B = 1 MU (8 total)
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