15 Nov WOD-Saturday, Nov. 16
Go get ’em CFPH TEAM!!! If you want to go out and support, here’s details: Deuces Wild Competition
For the rest of us staying in SF, here’s the Partner WOD 1 from the competition:
Deuces Wild Partner WOD 1
A) 7 min AMR(eps)AP
30 Chest 2 Bar Pull-ups
40 KBS (55/35#)
100 DUs (sub lateral hops)
*One person works at a time. For DUs, one partner must hold KB over head while the other one double unders
2 min Rest
B) 1 min AMRAP Deadlifts. (no mixed grip)
(225/145)- one partner works at a time
2 min Rest
C) 7min Max Calorie Row
Run 400 m together
Row for max Cal (one partner)
Stop at 3 min mark, run 400m together
Row for max Cal until time is up
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