WOD-Saturday, Nov. 30


    Pause Front Squat

    10 min EMOM must complete 2 heavy pause front squats (70% of your 1 RM)

Partner WOD

    For Time:
    Partner 800m run
    60 Sit Ups
    50 Russian KBS @ 53/35#
    40 SDHP w/KB @ 53/35#
    30 PP @ 95/65#
    20 Burpees
    30 PP @ 95/65#
    40 SDHP w/KB @ 53/35#
    50 Sumo squats w/KB @ 53/35#
    60 Sit Ups
    Partner 800m run

***For the WOD, partners can break up the work however they want. The partner run is exactly that, both partners must get to their place before they can start performing sit ups.***

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