20 Sep WOD- Sunday, Sept 21
Congrats to the members of Team CrossFit Potrero Hill at yesterday’s Caffeine and Kilos Competition! Go Victor, Heini and Beaux!
WOD Prep with Yasmeng>- How to prepare your body before the WOD
Strength/Skill: HSPU
5×5 Strict
Lv1: 5 Wall Walks
Lv2: 5 Negatives or HSPU to a higher target
Lv3: Strict/ deficit strict
WOD: “You Had Me at Unbroken”
12 min AMRAP
30 DUs (unbroken)
20 Wall Balls
10 OH Sit ups w/ plate
Lv1: 90 unbroken singles, 14/10, 25/15
Lv2: 30 regular DU, 16/12, 35/25
Lv3: unbroken, 20/14, 45/35
*”unbroken”= if you trip up before completing 30, you need to start back at 1
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