18 Apr WOD- Tuesday, April 19
-10 min working on Pull-up Technique: Kipping/ Butterfly
-5 min reviewing Push-up Technique
12 min alternating EMOM
Odd minute: Perform in an unbroken sequence
-3 kipping Pull-up
-2 C2B
-1 bar MU
*Scaled = 5 pull-ups at hardest level
Even Minute: 12 perfect pushups
10 min AMRAP
20 V-ups
200 m run
10 Burpees
6pm Lite n Tite
3 min on/ 1 off- 5rds
2 Wall walks
15 Ball Slams (40/30)
20 Jumping Air Squats
100 Partner Plank Burpees for time
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