09 Feb WOD- Tuesday Feb 10
Will you please take 2 mins to fill out this survey for our Mobility Class. Thank you!
200 m run
junk yard dog pt 1
200 m run
JYD prt2
Burgener Warm-up
8 min EMOM
Snatch +
Mid hang SN +
Tall Snatch
add 5-10# each set as desired
WOD: Open 14.2
Every 3 mins do:
2 rounds of
C2B pull-ups
10-12-14… until can’t complete the work anymore
Lv1: 65/45 jumping pull-ups
Lv2: 75/55 pull-ups
Lv3: 95/65
1RM Testing Schedule:
Deadlift- Wednesday 2/11
Front Squat and Strict Press- Friday 2/12
**If you want to know your true maxes, take a rest day, the day before each test.
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