22 May WOD- Tuesday, May 23
Announcement! Effective immediately we now have a 1pm All Levels CrossFit Class 5 days a week! (Monday- Friday). See our schedule here.
Want a 4pm weekday class? Please fill out this 1-question survey HERE.
Memorial Day Schedule- Monday, May 29:
9:30am and 10:30am Class only
Strength A:
Every 90 sec for 5 sets
Strict Press x1 @ 90-95%
Strength B:
8 min EMOM
Power SN + Hang Power SN
Then, 6 min to find 1 RM Power Snatch
Accessory Strength:
Alternating EMOM 8
-Seated box jumps x5
-Pendlay Row x5
6pm Lite N Tite
- 30 sec on/off -5 rds
-Assault bike for cal
-Burpees for reps
Every 2 min for 16 min
200 m run
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