04 May WOD- Tuesday May 5
Register by Wednesday, May 5th Click here for the Facebook event page to register.
2 rds
200m run/row
20 walking Lunges
10 boostrappers
2 rds
200m run/row
10 Back squats w/bar
10 Good mornings w/bar
10 Spider lunge stretch
Wendler Wk 2, cycle 2
Back Squat
% based on 90% of 1 RM
70% x3
80% x3
90% xMR
add 10# to numbers from 4/7
Partner Offense/ Defense WOD: 4rds
O: KB Snatch
D: 100 m one arm KB
Farmer Carry
Lv1: 25/15
Lv2: 5/25
LV3: 53/35
3x 30 sec Side Plank hold on elbow-each side
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