WOD-Turkey Day 2013

Reminder, Only 10AM Class Today

“De Haro Turkey Hustle”

If you just asked “What does that mean?” Don’t. It will be much better for your psyche to show up without reading any further. Or, if you’d like to learn more about why you’ll be entitled to indulge in taters and gravy, read on:


    With 40/20# weight vest, complete the following:

    30 pull up buy-in then,
    Run up de Haro starting from garage door.

    Stop at every corner/intersection and perform:
    5 air squats
    5 burps
    10 lunges

***WOD ends at the top of the Hustle, DO NOT complete the 5-5-10 at the top, the finish is simply running across the finish line.***


    If no weight vest, perform at each corner/intersection
    10 air squats
    10 burps
    20 lunges
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