15 May WOD- Friday, May 16
Reminder! Mobility Workshop tomorrow from 11:30am-1:30pm. Save time and sign-up online here. Must bring your Therapy and Alpha balls. We sell them here if you don’t have any yet.
WOD Prep with Yasmen- How to mobilize for the WOD:
1. T-spine smash
2. Tricep Extension Smash
3. Banded Heel Cord- Anterior Approach
4. Banded Heel Cord- Posterior Approach
Strength: Pause Front Squats
3 reps every 90 sec for 7 rounds @ 70-75% 1RM
WOD: 6 rounds for max reps
90 sec Interval, 90 sec rest
50 DUs*
Max reps Squat Cleans @ 95/65
scale up or down to 45% of 1RM squat clean
*sub for lesser amount of DU or lateral bar hops
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