07 May WOD- Friday, May 8
Get your Costumes ready and lets have some fun! No group classes Saturday
Row 500 m w/o straps at a 20s/m rate
Dynamic stretches
WOD 1: Row max calories in 50 pulls
2 attempts
3 min cap per attempt
2-3 min rest between attempts
Snatch warm-up
WOD 2: for time (16 min cap)
2 rds
10 Hang Power Snatch
10 OH BB lunges (total)
8 Hang Power Snatch
8 OH BB lunges
2 rds
6 Hang Power Snatch
6 OH BB lunges
Lv1: 45/35
Lv2: 65/45
Lv3: 75/55
*Struggle with the Overhead position? Do Front rack lunges instead
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