14 Sep WOD- Tuesday, Sept 15
Back squat every 3 mins
5 @ 80%
3 @ 90%
1 @ 95%
5 @ 85%
3 @ 98%
1 @ 105%
max reps @ 85%
*tip: last 1 rep should be a PR goal. Start there, and go backwards around a 5-10# jump between 1 and 3 rep sets and 10-20# jump between 3 and 5 rep sets
WOD: 12 min AMRAP
Partner relay
50 Double Unders or 20 lateral hops over the rower
20 cal row
one partner does an entire round while the other rest- tag partner when finished.
Let us present the athlete of the month for September: Nick Poggetti! Read more about Nick’s CrossFit journey here.
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