WOD- Tuesday, Aug 26 Warm-up: agility ladder drills Strength: Back Squat Every 2 min 4 @ 70%- 5 sets WOD: Buy in- 6- 50 ft drags with heavy sled/prowler/ tire (straps) then, 9-6-3 Squat cleans @ 80% L-Sit Pull-ups Lv1: Power clean + FS, Banded Strict pull-ups Lv2: Strict Pull-ups Lv3: L-Sit pull-ups WOD Prep with Yasmen-...

WOD- Monday, Aug 25 Benchmark WOD: “Filthy Fifty” 50 Box Jumps 24/20" 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 KBS 50 Walking Lunges 50 K2E 50 Push Press (45/35) 50 Good mornings (45/35) 50 Wall balls 50 Burpees 50 Double unders Scale: “Dirty 30” WOD Prep with Yasmen- how to prepare before the WOD 1. Low Back Warm-Up and Stretch 2....

After WOD today celebrate our Year Anniversary of being in our new building with new partners, Joe "LJ" Talmadge, Jason "JCook" Cook, Alexis "Young Hollywood" Garrod, and Bevan "B" Lew! 1:30-6pm with a Taco Truck, DJs, drinks, games, and a bouncy castle! WOD- Saturday, Aug 23 Benchmark:...

WOD- Friday, Aug 22 Strength: Bulgarian Split Squats 4 x 8-10 *25 hollow rocks between each set. WOD - 18 min AMRAP: 20, 30, 40 Lat bar hops/ DU 8, 16, 24 FR Lunges 1,2,3 Rope Climb after 3rd round, start back at the first rep scheme. Lv1: 65/45, 3,6,9 Rope Walk...

SKILL OF THE MONTH: HANDSTAND PUSH UPS - Come early, stay late, open gym. Do the homework to become closer to HSPU. Week 8/18-8/24/14: 1. Handstand Scapula Push-ups 2x10reps 2. Tripod to headstand 3x5 3. Negative HSPU to blocks or floor 3x5 4. Banded HSPU (ask for a spotter for...

SKILL OF THE MONTH: HANDSTAND PUSH UPS - Come early, stay late, open gym. Do the homework to become closer to HSPU. Week 8/18-8/24/14: 1. Handstand Scapula Push-ups 2x10reps 2. Tripod to headstand 3x5 3. Negative HSPU to blocks or floor 3x5 4. Banded HSPU (ask for a spotter for...

SKILL OF THE MONTH: HANDSTAND PUSH UPS - Come early, stay late, open gym. Do the homework to become closer to HSPU. Week 8/18-8/24/14: 1. Handstand Scapula Push-ups 2x10reps 2. Tripod to headstand 3x5 3. Negative HSPU to blocks or floor 3x5 4. Banded HSPU (ask for a spotter for...

SKILL OF THE MONTH: HANDSTAND PUSH UPS - Come early, stay late, open gym. Do the homework to become closer to HSPU. Week 8/18-8/24/14: 1. Handstand scapula push-ups 2x10reps 2. Tripod to headstand 3x5 3. Negative HSPU to blocks or floor 3x5 4. Banded HSPU (ask for a spotter for...

This weekend CFPH has 6 athletes competing at Moxie Madness in San Jose!! Go "Team Phat" with Colombo, and Tovah. Kristen and Alexis will also be competing on other two other teams. This is a two day competition with 5 events, including a swimming WOD!...