REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE.
Hooray! We secured another month of outdoor group classes! CLICK HERE to learn more on what you need to know before attending class.
Tip: download the Zenplanner app to register for classes!
Weather forecast is sunny = class is on! Wear sunscreen and bring water!
23 min AMRAP
Double KB/DB Complex for max rounds
2 Press
5 Rows
1 Hang Power Clean
9 Lunges, Left
9 Lunges, Right
6 Hang Squat Cleans
This is a memorial WOD for Elijah McClain, a 23 year old from Aurora, Colorado. He died August 30, 2019, a few days after being held in a carotid hold by the police and being injected with a dose of ketamine by first responder. He suffered from a heart attack on the way to the hospital, and passed away a few days later.
He was 23 years old, and his birthday is 2/25/1196. These numbers are represented in this WOD. This WOD was designed by @naturalhairgirlswholift
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