Partner WOD

for time:

50 Cal Row 

50 Overhead Squats

50 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

50 Thrusters

50 Box Jumps (24/20″)

50 Power Cleans 

50 Toes-to-bars

50 Cal Row 

Lv1: 65/45

Lv2: 75/55

Lv3: 95/65

Shared work, one partner works at a time.

Lite N Tite:

Sub barbell movements with Double DBs (Lv3: 35/25), and OHS with DB Overhead Lunges

REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE.

PEEK into the WEEK…

Sunday- pull dominant

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