WOD Blog

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9/11 Memorial WOD For time: 400M Run 11 Box jumps, 30/24in 11 Thrusters, 125/85# (125 deaths at The Pentagon) 11 Burpee chest-to-bar Pull-ups 11 Power cleans, 175/125# (AA Flight #175, south tower) 11 Handstand push-ups 11 KBS, 70/53 11...

A. Every 2 min x 4 sets 3 (1 Snatch high pull + 1 Hang power snatch) B. Every 1 min x 5 sets 1 Power snatch + 1 Overhead squat C. Every 1 min x 5...

Strength: 17 min to find 1 rep max Strict Press WOD:  15 min AMRAP Buy-in: 50/40 cal Bike AMRAP in remaining time 30 Unbroken DUs 10 Push Press  Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 85/60 Lv3: 115/75 Outdoor WOD:  15 min AMRAP Buy-in: 60/50 cal Row AMRAP in remaining time 30...

Strength: (all squat cleans today) A. EMOM 5 sets 3 High hang clean  B. EMOM 5  2 Hang (above knee) clean C. EMOM 5 1 Below-the-knee hang clean Benchmark WOD: 2k row for time PEEK into the WEEK...

Skill: Ring MU drills  15 min -Ring drops -Transitions -Swings  (Outdoor- swings on bar) Strength: Ring MU EMOM 10 1-5 each min or/ outdoor: 10 min AMRAP for quality 20 sec L-Sit hold on rings 5-8 Ring rows  10 GHD sit ups WOD: 10 min AMRAP 10...

Memorial WOD: "Jacob Blake" 7 rounds for time of: 3 Burpee Tuck-Jumps 5 Deadlifts 8 Hand Release Push-ups 29 Air Squats Lv1: 135/95 Lv2: 215/145 Lv3: 255/185 This workout is dedicated to Jacob Blake, 29, who was shot 7...

A. Split jerk Drills with PVC x1, BB x1 -Position -tall jerks -long step B. Bar receiving drills: -2 sets of 5 Tempo push press @ light → 3 sec negative to eyes then drop into the receiving...

Strength: 4 rounds for quality -6 Bulgarian split squats per leg  -L-sit hold parallettes /boxes x20-30 sec  Partner WOD 15 min AMRAP 30 Cal Row 30 DB Front Rack Box step ups 35/25 15 Synchro Burpees -Share work as...

Strength: 40 min to find 1 Deadlift for max weight Finish: -Spinal rotations  (video) -1 min childs pose hold -2 min hamstring stretch per side PEEK into the WEEK...