WOD Blog

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Front Rack Mobility: VIDEO Skill/Warm-up A. EMOM 5 Clean high pull + hang power clean @ 50-60% B. EMOM 5 Power Clean + hang power clean @ 60-70% C. EMOM 5 1 Power Clean @ 70%+ WOD: 15 min to find...

Technique/Skill: Bar receiving drills: -2 sets of 5 tempo push press @ light → 3 sec negative to eyes then drop into the receiving position. Hold the receiving position for 2 sec.  WOD: A. Every 2...

WOD: "2021 CrossFit Games Virtual Event 10" 1000m Row 50 Pull-ups 36 Overhead Lunge steps, 95/65 *10 min cap* Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 75/55 Lv3: 95/65 Lite N Tite: use Dbl DBs, 35/25 instead if desired Finisher: 3 sets  10-20 GHD Sit-ups  10-15 Back...

Hero WOD: “Jack” 20 min AMRAP 10 Push Press, 115/85 10 Kettlebell Swing, 53/35 10 Box jumps, 24/20" "Army Staff Sgt. Jack M. Martin III, 26, of Bethany, Oklahoma, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 1st Special...

Strength: Wendler Deadlift Week 1, Cycle 2 65% + 10# x 5 75% + 10# x 5 85% + 10# x max reps (all % are based off 90% of 1 RM) WOD: 30 sec on for max...

Strength: 20 min Bench Press 5 sets x 2 reps WOD: 15 min AMRAP Max Ring MU/ Ring Dip/ Bench Dip 200m Run Do a max unbroken set, as soon as you drop from rings, run 200...

Strength: Wendler Back Squat Week 1, Cycle 2 65% + 10# x 5 75% + 10# x 5 85% + 10# x max reps (all % are based off 90% of 1 RM) WOD: 10 min AMRAP Row 12/9...

Challenge of the month test: 5 min to find a max set of unbroken double unders WOD: Virtual CrossFit Games Event 3 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Thrusters, 95/65 Wall Walks Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 75/55 Lv3: 95/65 20 min time cap PEEK into the WEEK...

A. EMOM 5 Halting snatch high pull + Hang Power snatch B. EMOM 5 2 Halting power snatch C. EMOM 5 2 Snatch (squat or power) D. EMOM 5 1 Sntach (squat or power) E. Snatch Pull 3-3-3-3 Start at 90% and increase as...

WOD 1: 14 min AMRAP Buy-in: 50 Plank Burpees w/ partner Then AMRAP in remaining time (w/o partner) 7 Ring Push-ups 14 KB Hang Snatch  Lv1: 25/18 Lv2: 35/25 Lv3: 53/35 WOD 2: De Haro Hustle for time PEEK into the...