WOD Blog

All in.

ANNOUNCEMENTS!!!! Today is the beginning of our progressive Whole 30 Challenge. We are starting with cutting out DAIRY! "This means no cheese, cow milk, yogurt, cream, sour cream, kefir, and butter....

ANNOUNCEMENTS!!!! *Labor Day Schedule (Monday, 9/4): 9:30am and 10:30am CrossFit, 11:30am BBC *1 Rep Max testing week will be Wednesday 9/6- Sunday 9/9 for the Back Squat, Push Press, and Deadlift. Next...

ANNOUNCEMENTS!!!! *Labor Day Schedule (Monday, 9/4): 9:30am and 10:30am CrossFit, 11:30am BBC *1 Rep Max testing week will be Wednesday 9/6- Sunday 9/9 for the Back Squat, Push Press, and Deadlift. Next...

ANNOUNCEMENTS!!!! *Labor Day Schedule (Monday, 9/4): 9:30am and 10:30am CrossFit, 11:30am BBC *1 Rep Max testing week will be Wednesday 9/6- Sunday 9/9 for the Back Squat, Push Press, and Deadlift. Next...

ANNOUNCEMENTS!!!! *Labor Day Schedule (Monday, 9/4): 9:30am and 10:30am CrossFit, 11:30am BBC *1 Rep Max testing week will be Wednesday 9/6- Sunday 9/9 for the Back Squat, Push Press, and Deadlift. Next...

ANNOUNCEMENTS!!!! *Labor Day Schedule (Monday, 9/4): 9:30am and 10:30am CrossFit, 11:30am BBC *1 Rep Max testing week will be Wednesday 9/6- Sunday 9/9 for the Back Squat, Push Press, and Deadlift. Next...

8:30am Lite N Tite WOD: 16 min AMRAP 8 Plate Burpees (45/35) 16 OH Walking Lunges (45/35) 200m Plate Carry Finisher Alt tabata T2B Plank up/downs 9:30 am and 10:30 am CrossFit Class Strength: Wendler Make-up, week 3. Percentages are based...

Skill: Rope Climb Technique Test: Rope climb at hardest progression, (i.e. legless, L-sit, weighted L-Sit) WOD: 20 min AMRAP 3,6,9,12 Bar Muscle Ups 10,20,30,40 Air Squats Lv1/Lv2: 6,9,12,15 Pull-ups/ C2B Pull-ups 10,20,30,40 Air Squats Return...