04 Mar WOD- Monday, March 5
If you did 18.2/18.2A don’t forget to post your score! You have until MONDAY @ 5pm Submit score HERE.
March Challenge:
Find max rep of unbroken:
Lv3: Bar MU
Lv2: Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups
Lv1: Pull-ups
Other scale option: Chin above bar hold for time.
Why do we do monthly challenges you ask? Well, as you know there is a world of skills to learn, and it can be overwhelming to try to practice them all! The monthly challenge highlights one skill to focus on in the month. Knowing that we will test a skill at the beginning and ending of the month will inspire motivation to put your extra work and effort in. So, if you find that you are not where you want to be in a certain skill/strength, take the month to come early, stay late, show up to the WODs that will help and see how quickly you can improve if you focus on one thing!
10 min to work up to a heavy 3 rep split Jerk (~75-80%)
Every 2 min for 10 min
15/12 Cal Row
3 Split Jerk (from ground)
*Stay tuned for the updated weekly programming skeleton*
Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard
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