12 Sep WOD- Tuesday, Sept 13
Skill of the month training:
Reverse tabata L-hang hold
10s on/20s off-8x
Every 2.5 min:
Back Squat 5×5
For max reps
3 min- Hang Power Snatch
3 min- Box Jump 24/20
2 min- Hang Power Snatch
2 min- Box Jump
1 min- Hang Power Snatch
1 min- Box Jump
Lv1: 45/35
Lv2: 65/45
Lv3: 75/55
6 pm Lite N Tite
800m run
10 KBS
10 Goblet Walking Lunges
10 Push ups
400m run
15 KBS
15 Goblet Walking Lunges
15 Push-ups
200m run
25 KBS
25 Goblet Walking Lunges
25 Push-Ups
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