24 Jun WOD- Wednesday, June 25
Show your SF PRIDE this Saturday, June 28th with us! We will be having regular class times with DJ Colombo, BBQ, and BEER! Come wearing Bright Colors and/or Rainbows! YAY!
WOD Prep with Yasmen– How to prepare your body for the Pistol and HSPU:
1. Banded Heel Cord- Anterior Approach
2. T-spine smash
Skill: Rolling Pistol Progression
-candlestick rolls
-rolling pistol
Strength for quality 2 Rounds: (20 min cap)
1,2,3,4,5 rep scheme- start back at 1 when completed 5.
Strict HSPU
Pistols R leg
Pistols L leg
Lv1: Mod HPSU on box/bar
Pistol on box
Lv2: Negative HSPU/ Rolling Pistol
Lv3: Strict HSPU full range/ Full range pistol
Lv4: Weighted Pistols/ Deficit Strict HSPU
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