LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM VIDEO: WOD and WARM-UP Explanation WARM-UP: 2 rounds, 20 sec of each: Cat/Cow Thoracic Rotation (both sides) Table Top Shoulder Taps Toe Touches Over Head Walks (each side) Tempo Air Squats STRENGTH: 4 rounds for quality: 5-8 Windmills (each side) 8 Renegade Rows (8...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM VIDEO: WOD and WARM-UP Explanation WARM-UP: 3 rounds for quality: 10 Scapula Push-ups 10 Scapula Pull-Ups / Rows  5 Single Leg Ground to Sky reach (each leg) 20 Clamshells (each side) WOD: 15 min Alternating EMOM: 8/8 Single Leg Romanian Deadlift...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM VIDEO: WOD and WARM-UP Explanation WARM-UP: 1 min Single Unders/ Side Shuffles then, 2x: 5 Reverse Burpees 5 Push-up Down Dog 5 Good Mornings 5 Press WOD: 20 min AMRAP (with a DB/KB) 15 Power Cleans 20 Front squats 25 Push Press *Every 2 min- 30 Double...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM VIDEO: WOD and WARM-UP Explanation WARM-UP: 10 Squat Flow 10 Spider Lunges 10 Crosses then, "ROXANNE" by The Police -every time he sings "Roxanne" do a burpee -every time he sings "turn out the red light" to an air squat WOD: For...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 9 AM LINK: WOD Explanation and optional fundraiser registration WARM-UP: 3 min Cardio 2x: 6 Bootstrappers 6 Spider lunges 6 Inchworms 6 Crosses 10 Hollow Rocks WOD: For Time 50 Dumbbell Deadlifts (50/35) 50 ABmat Sit-ups 50 Box Step-ups (24/20) 50 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters Log your scores on Beyond the WhiteboardDon't have...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 5498848am, 12pm, 5pm VIDEO: WOD and WARM-UP Explanation WOD: Alternating EMOM for 30 min -3 Tempo Elevator Front Squats 3:2:2:3 -5/5 TGU Sit-ups -8/8 Bulgarian Split Squats  -:45 Hollow Hold Flutter Kicks -30 Skiers (total) Log your scores on Beyond the WhiteboardDon't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 5498848am, 12pm, 5pm VIDEO: WOD and Warm-up explanation. WARM-UP: 20 sec stations of each, 3 rounds -Jumping Jacks -Push-up to down down -Handstand hold WOD: For Time 10-1 Press/ HSPU Hand Release Push-ups Bent Over Row Log your scores on Beyond the WhiteboardDon't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE! Password: 5498848am, 12pm, 5pm VIDEO: WOD and Warm-up explanation. WOD Version 1 (with a Barbell):25 min AMRAP60 Double Unders/ Lateral Hops15 Deadlifts 225/15560 Shoulder Taps15 Power Clean 135/9560 Mt. Climbers15 Power Snatch 95/65WOD Version 2 (with DB/KB/ heavy backpack):25 min AMRAP60...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE! Password: 5498848am, 12pm, 5pm VIDEO: WOD and Warm-up explanation. WARM-UP: 1x10 Toe Touches5 Windmills Each Side10 Bootstrappers10 Plank Shoulder Taps10 Alternating Spider Lunge WOD:For time:100 Air Squats*3 Burpee EMOM100 Reverse Lunges *5 Jump Squat EMOM100 Step Ups*3 Burpee EMOM Log your scores on Beyond the...