WOD Blog

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YESTERDAY WAS A BLAST! THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING OUT! Strength: Ring Dips 5x3 AHAP WOD: Full Tabata for each movement No rest between rounds Hang Power Snatch FR Lunges SDHP Front Squat Weight: 45 men / 33 Women strong>Log your...

This Satruday, Dec 2nd, is our 6th ANNUAL HOLIDAY ATHLETE'S CUP! Our favorite time of the year, you don't want to miss it! This is an in-house, friendly competition for...

This Satruday, Dec 2nd, is our 6th ANNUAL HOLIDAY ATHLETE'S CUP! Our favorite time of the year, you don't want to miss it! This is an in-house, friendly competition for...

This Satruday, Dec 2nd, is our 6th ANNUAL HOLIDAY ATHLETE'S CUP! Our favorite time of the year, you don't want to miss it! This is an in-house, friendly competition for...

This Satruday, Dec 2nd, is our 6th ANNUAL HOLIDAY ATHLETE'S CUP! Our favorite time of the year, you don't want to miss it! This is an in-house, friendly competition for...

Hero WOD: "Hooch" 5 rounds for time 11 DL @ 275/205 14 Single Arm DB thrusters @ 50/35 1 50ft heavy sled push every 2 min until 5 rounds are finished. David...

Normal Class Schedule Today and Tomorrow! WOD: 45 min cap 3rds 25 Wall balls 10 Power SN Lv1: 45/35 Lv2: 75/55 Lv3: 95/65 Rest 5 min 3rds 15 T2B 15 Push-ups 15 Box jump Rest 5 min 3rds Run 200m 25 KBS Lv1:...

8:30am Lite N Tite 50 DB snatch @ heavy 40 burpee box jumps 30 C2B pull-ups 40 Goblet Squats w/ DB 50 OH plate Sit-Ups (35/25) *Run 100m Every 2 min (start with run) 9:30 and 10:30am...

Holiday Schedule for this week! 9:30 and 10:30am Class only Today! Strength: Every 30 sec for 4 min (8 sets) 1 Power Clean + Push Jerk @50% 2 min rest then, EMOM 10 1 Power Clean...