WOD Blog

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8:30am Lite N Tite Warm: Bring sally up- air squats Skill: Rope climb technique WOD: Partner 18 min AMRAP 4 Rope Climbs/ 8 rope walks 20 DBall over shoulder 20 Burpee Box jump overs one partner works...

Strength: Weighted Ring Dips (strict) 5x3 WOD: for time 100 DU Then, 5rds 15 T2B 10 Push Jerk Then, 100 DU Lv1: 75 Lat bar hops, 75/55 Lv2: 50 DU, 105/70 Lv3: 135/95 Log your WOD scores here: [standout-css3-button href="http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2017/aug11/"]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a...

Strength: A) High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch Every 90 sec for 8 sets B) Wendler Back Squat Week 1, cycle 2 % based on 90% of 1RM 65%+ 10# x 5 75%+ 10# x 5 85%+...

Hero WOD: "Bowen" 3 rds 800m run 7 Deadlift 275/185 10 Burpee pull-ups 14 KB Single Arm Thrusters 53/35 20 Box Jumps 24/20 Lv1: 135/95 Lv2: 225/155 Log your WOD scores here: [standout-css3-button href="http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2017/aug09/"]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a BTWB WOD...

A) Deadlift: Wendler Deadlift Week 1, cycle 2 % based on 90% of 1RM 65% + 10# x 5 75% + 10# x 5 85% + 10# x Max Reps B) Accessory: 4rds Circuit -Reverse grip...

Warm: Tall Jerk Drills Strength: Wendler Push Press Week 1, cycle 2 % based on 90% of 1RM 65% + 5# x 5 75% + 5# x 5 85% + 5# x Max Reps then, Split...

9:30 and 10:30am CrossFit Strength: Every 30 sec for 5 min 1 Cluster WOD: “Air Force” For time with 4 Burpees Every Minute on the Minute: 20 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs 20 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls, 95/65 lbs 20 Push...

8:30am Lite N Tite WOD: for time 1600m Run 25 Burpees 25 Sit-Ups 25 Box Jumps 1600m Row 15 Burpees 15 Sit-Ups 15 Box Jumps 35 min CAP Finisher: 6 min AMRAP Cal on bike (partner shared) 9:30 and 10:30am CrossFit Strength: (12...

Strength: Wendler Deadlift Week 3 % based on 90% of 1RM 75% x 5 85% x 3 95% x Max reps WOD: For time: Row 800 Run 800 Row 400 Run 400 Row 200 Run 200 Finisher: Max Rep tire flip + jump thru in 1...

Strength: Wendler Push Press Week 3 % based on 90% of 1RM 75% x 5 85% x 3 95% x Max reps WOD: Alt EMOM 24 min (8 rds of each) 12 Kb/DB Snatch (total) 10 V-ups/GHD Sit-ups 8/6 Cal Bike Lv1:...