WOD Blog

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Strength A: Every 90 for 8 rounds Hang snatch + snatch @ 65-70% Strength B: Wendler Deadlift Week 2 (% based on 90%) 70% x 3 80% x 3 90% x Max Reps WOD: 4 rds: 8 Deadlift...

Skill: Rope climb technique WOD 1: 10 min Partner AMRAP 5 Thrusters 135/85 1 rope climb *one partner does full round and then switch* Lv1: 85/65 Lv2: 115/75 10 min rest WOD 2: 10 min EMOM “Cindy” 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats Log your...

9am Lite N Tite: Strength: 4 sets alternating: 8 Renegade Rows push up, row L arm, push-up, row R arm while in plank Lv1: 25/10 Lv2: 35/20 Lv3: 50/30 8 KBs/DBs Box step ups each...

Skill: Strict MU drills Strength: Every 90 for 5 rds 5 strict dips Lv1: 8-10 Strict pushups Lv2: Banded Dips/ or toes on ground Lv3: MU + 4 dips Lv4: strict MU + 4 dips WOD: 20 min AMRAP 30...

Skill: 5 rds 150 row Rest 1 min Strength B: Deadlift Wendler wk1 65% x 5 75% x 5 85% x Max reps *If you missed a lift from Wk 1 last week (Push Press, or Deadlift) you can...

Strength A: Every 90 for 8 rds High hang snatch + hang snatch + snatch 60-65% Strength B: Push Press Wendler wk1 65% x 5 75% x 5 85% x Max reps *If you missed a lift from Wk...

Strength: Back Squat Wendler wk1 65% x 5 75% x 5 85% x Max reps *If you missed a lift from Wk 1 last week (Push Press, or Deadlift) you can sub out BS for...

Find 1 rep max Snatch Find 1 rep max Clean and Jerk *Olympic Weightlifting Rules: 3 attempts- state starting weight, and cannot decrease in weight. *Full Lockout in the catch of the...

Strength: We are starting a Wendler 5-3-1 cycle. Read about it here Deadlift Wendler wk1 65% x5 75% x 5 85% x MR WOD: 12 min AMRAP 12 Toes 2 Bar 20ft HS Walk/4 wall walks 12 DB Snatch (50/30)...

*NO 10:30a Mobility Today- Join Carly Next Saturday @10a! Strength A: We are starting a Wendler 5-3-1 cycle. Read about it here Push press   Wendler wk1   65% x5   75% x 5   85% x MR Strength B: Every 2 min for...