31 May WOD- Monday, June 1
We need your help! Volunteer to judge competitors at our June 13th 80s Crippler event. Email Alexis at alexis@crossfitpotrerohill.com for more information. Thanks! Strength: Back Squat 8 min to warm up to...
We need your help! Volunteer to judge competitors at our June 13th 80s Crippler event. Email Alexis at alexis@crossfitpotrerohill.com for more information. Thanks! Strength: Back Squat 8 min to warm up to...
We need your help! Volunteer to judge competitors at our June 13th 80s Crippler event. Email Alexis at alexis@crossfitpotrerohill.com for more information. Thanks! WOD 1: 7 min EMOM 7 Burpees Ball Slams...
We need your help! Volunteer to judge competitors at our June 13th 80s Crippler event. Email Alexis at alexis@crossfitpotrerohill.com for more information. Thanks! Test: with a partner counting...
We need your help! Volunteer to judge competitors at our June 13th 80s Crippler event. Email Alexis at alexis@crossfitpotrerohill.com for more information. Thanks! Test 1 Rep Max (pick one) Back Squat,...
Congrats GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS! We need your help! Volunteer to judge competitors at our June 13th 80s Crippler event. Email Alexis at alexis@crossfitpotrerohill.com for more information. Thanks! Test 1 Rep Max (pick...
We need your help! Volunteer to judge competitors at our June 13th 80s Crippler event. Email Alexis at alexis@crossfitpotrerohill.com for more information. Thanks! Test 1 Rep Max (pick one) Back Squat,...
Test 1 Rep Max (pick one) Back Squat, Bench Press or Deadlift (20 min) We will be testing 1 lift of your choice Tues, Wed, Thurs and Friday. Get it in! WOD: 9...
Memorial Day Schedule: 9:30am and 10:30am regular group class only Hero WOD: "Daniel" For time: 50 Pull-ups 400 meter run 21 Thrusters (95/65) 800 meter run 21 Thrusters (95/65) 400 meter run 50 Pull-ups [standout-css3-button href="http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2014/May25"]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a...
Monday, Memorial Day Schedule: 9:30am and 10:30am regular group class only Skill: Rope Climb Variations and technique WOD: for time (28 min cap) 50 Dumbbell snatch 5 Rope climb or 24 K2E 40 Dumbbell snatch 4...
Memorial Day Schedule: 9:30am and 10:30am regular group class only WOD 1: 10 min AMRAP with Partner Shoulder to Overhead (S2O) for reps, with a BB complex buy-in: 2 DL + 2 hang...