WOD- Friday, May 5


As of this week, a very respected and long time CrossFit affiliate, LaLanne Fitness, has decided to move in a new direction and focus on their LaLanne Bootcamp in the East Bay. LaLanne has been a huge part of the San Francisco CrossFit community and we are grateful for their efforts in creating a solid community of amazing athletes and friends.

We are honored that Chris LaLanne has selected CrossFit Potrero Hill as the new home for LaLanne Athletes. We are looking forward to the new faces and additions to our community.

For CrossFit Potrero Hill Athletes, this means more friends to WOD with, additional coaching staff to popular classes, likely more classes, and a free BBQ this Saturday, May 6th. Please introduce yourself to the new faces in the box, we’re excited about our growing community!

Hero WOD: “Jerry”

    for time
    1 mile run
    2k row
    1 mile run

    U.S. Army Sgt. Maj. Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on Oct. 15, 2008, during High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) training. He was assigned to Army USSOCOM, and was preparing for deployment to Afghanistan.

    He is survived by his wife, Molly; and sons, Chad, Cody, Chase and Connor.


    Tabata Hollow Rocks

    Couch Stretch
    Hamstring PNF with band

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