WOD- Monday, July 21


Weekly Homework: do this before class, after class, or at open gym to improve your muscle ups!

    Week 7/21-7/27/14
    1. Kipping MU transition Drill 2×5
    2. Jumping MU Transition 2×5
    3. Swing Hip to Rings with false grip hold
    4. Ring dips 3 x 5-10reps

    WOD: Monday, July 21

    Strength: Find a 3 rep max Thruster (15 min)

    Benchmark WOD: “Jackie”

      1000m Row
      50 Thrusters @ 45/35
      30 Pull-ups

      Lv1: 35/25, jumping pull-ups
      Lv2: 45/35, Banded strict
      Lv3: 45/35, Kipping
      Lv4: 75/55 😉

    WOD Prep with Yasmen– How to prepare your body for the WOD:
    1. Overhead Tissue Smash
    2. Overhead Banded Distration
    3. Banded Heel Cord- Anterior Approach

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