WOD-Saturday, Dec. 21


    5 X 5 Handstand Push Ups

Team Relay WOD

    For time:
    Row 20 calories
    15 Two push-up burpees
    30 Alternating Single Arm DB/KB G2O @ 45/35#
    20 Toes to bar
    20 Overhead Lunges @ 45/35#
    200m sprint

    Teams of 4 people. On go, partner 1 will be begin to row 20 calories. When partner 1 is finished, partner 2 can begin, so on and so on. If the partner in front of you is not finished with his/her movement, you may not begin until they complete the given amount of reps. This will stop the entire team until the partner in front completes the movement he or she is on.

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