WOD- Saturday, Sept 13

WOD Prep with Yasmen: How to prepare your body for the WOD/ recover from the WOD-

    1. Forearm Ball Smash
    2. Overhead Tissue Smash
    3. Barbell Calf Smash

    Skill Work: 2 rds

      30 sec HS hold
      30 sec L-Sit Hold
      20 Sec bottom of pistol hold
      20 Hollow Rocks
      10 Bar Kips

    WOD: “Hot Lava”

      100 pull-ups for time
      200 m run penalty for dropping off the bar

      Lv1: 50 reps
      Lv2: 75 reps
      Lv3: 100 reps

      That is a lot of pull-ups, so please take the scale options seriously.
      Also, come early to tape your hands. If you forget tape, we sell it. Here is one of the many youtube videos on how to tape your hands for pull-ups.

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