WOD- Tuesday, July 29

SKILL OF THE MONTH: Come early, stay late, or practice during open gym. Here is homework to get you closer or better at muscle ups.

1. Ring dips or Ring Supports 3 x 5-10reps
2. Jumping MU Transition 2×5
3. Swing Hip to Rings with false grip hold
4. Handstand hold against wall 2 x 30 sec

WOD, Tuesday, July 29

Warm: Rowing Pause Drills (2 min of each)- no straps
1. Drive Finish
2. Arms Extended
3. Body Over
4. Row without pause

Mobility: Banded Heel Cord- Anterior Approach

Skill: Pistol Progression

    -Find max reps unbroken on each leg (15-20 min)
    Lv1: neg pistol to box, then stand on up on one foot
    Lv2: box step up- heel at butt
    Lv3: rolling pistols
    Lv4: pistol/ weighted pistol
    Lv5: overhead pistol

Benchmark: 20 min Row for max distance

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