WOD- Wednesday, Sept 16


    5×2 Turkish Get-Up

WOD: Lv3

    Death by HSPU
    Start at 1 rep in the first minute, and increase by 1 rep each minute until cannot complete the given amount of reps in that minute.

WOD: Lv1/2

    Death by Push-ups
    Start at 2 reps in the first minute, and increase by 2 reps each minute until cannot complete the given amount of reps in that minute.

    Lv1: elevated Push-ups on bar
    Lv2: strict push-ups

Ab Finisher:

    2x 15-20 GHD Sit-ups
    2x 15-20 Ring Supermans

Let us present the athlete of the month for September: Nick Poggetti! Read more about Nick’s CrossFit journey here.

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