This Saturday we are hosting OUTWOD for PRIDE Weekend! Schedule of the day: 8:30am Lite N Tite 10:00-11:30am OUTWOD (sign-up here) 11:30 am Barbell Club 8:30am Lite N Tite For time: 1K row 2 min rest 3 rds 30 KBS 15 Burpee BJ over 2 min rest 65/50 Cal Bike 2 min rest 3rds 30 Goblet Lunges 20 push-ups 2 min...

Strength: 20 min: Snatch High Pull 3x2 @ 75% of snatch Snatch Pull 3x2 @ 90-100% WOD: “Karabel” 10rds 3 Power Snatch 135/95 15 Wall balls (20/14) *20 min cap* Lv1: 75/55 Lv2: 105/70 (Karen + Isabel...

This Saturday we are hosting OUTWOD for PRIDE Weekend! Schedule of the day: 8:30am Lite N Tite 10:00-11:30am OUTWOD (sign-up here) 11:30 am Barbell Club Strength: Alternating EMOM 10 min -Strict Press x5 (Start at 75%) -3 Box Jumps @ high WOD: 4rds for time 10 Push Press 12/10 Cal Row 20 V-ups ...

Strength: Back Squat 5x3 Every 2 min. Start at 80% and increase from there. WOD: for time: 15 Back squat 5 Bar MU 15 Back squat 15 C2b pull-ups 15 Back squat 30 Pull-up Lv1: 95/65 Lv2: 135/85 Lv3: 165/115 *no racks! 15 min cap. Scale: 15 back squats 10 pull-ups 15 back squats 20 pull-ups 15 back squats 30 pull-ups See...

Strength/skill: Turkish Get-Up (12 min) 4x2 per arm Strength: Deadlift 5x3 Every 2 min. Start at 80% and increase from there. WOD: 6 min AMRAP DU for reps Burpee penalty for stopping/tripping Lv1: no penalty Lv2: 5 burpees Lv3: 10 burpees 6pm Lite N Tite 1 min stations for reps 5x -Grasshoppers -bike -DB thrusters (one arm) -row -DB Snatch (one arm) -rest See the...

WOD: 30 min Partner AMRAP 750m Row 25 Snatch 25 OHS 75 Sit ups Every 2 min, 2 MU/ 4 Ring Dips each Lv1 75/55 Lv2 105/70 Lv3 125/85 *share work as desired, but both partners have to do MU/Ring dips every 2 min* *parnter can carry on with reps while other partner is completing...

9:30 and 10:30 am CrossFit Strength: Ring Push ups AHAP 5x5 Rest 90s-2 min btwn sets WOD: Alternating EMOM 12 -100m run -10 alternating DB burpee Snatch* *holding onto DB with one hand, do a burpee, stand up and snatch the DB* *Should be finished wishing 45 sec. Drop reps in not making...

8:30 am Lite N Tite 10 min AMRAP 50/40 cal bike Db curtis P’s for reps Rest 3 min 10 min AMRAP 60/50 cal row Then AMRAP 8 burpees onto plate 8 plate G2OH Rest 3 min 10 min AMRAP Run 1200m Ring MU/ Burpee pull-ups for reps for reps 9:30 and 10:30 am CrossFit WOD: With a 26 min...

Skill: (10-12 min) Kipping HSPU drills Lv4: Free-standing HSPU practice WOD: 15 min AMRAP 15 HSPU 15 DB cleans 30 Unbroken DU Lv1: 20/15 Lv2: 40/25 Lv3: 50/35 Finisher: 8rds 30 sec on/off db/kb farmer carrys @ heavy Consistently walk laps for 30 sec. On the rest just stop where you are and pick up where you...

Strength: Deadlift 5x5 Every 2.5 min Start at 75% WOD: 3rds, descending reps, for time 9-6-3 Bar MU 18-15-12 Cal Row 21-18-15 Wall Balls @ heavy (30/20) Scaled: 12-9-6 Chest-2-bar pull-ups *15 min cap* See the weekly program skeleton HERE. Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click...