LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM VIDEO: WOD and WARM-UP explanation here! WARM-UP: 3 rounds for quality: 10 Scap push-ups 10 Scap pull-ups/ or scap rows  5 SL ground to sky reach- each leg 10 Deadbugs WOD: 15 min EMOM: -45 sec for max reps Pull-ups/ B.O.R./...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM VIDEO: WOD and WARM-UP explanation HERE. WOD: 20 min AMRAP 20 Step-ups 20 Push-ups 200M Run* 20 Sit-ups 20 Double Unders *sub run with 1 min side shuffles Log your scores on Beyond the WhiteboardDon't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account?...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM VIDEO: WOD and WARM-UP Explanation here. WARM-UP: 1 min Cardio 10 Crosses 10 Bootstrappers 10 Spider Lunges 20 sec Handstand Hold then, "Flower" by Moby (Bring Sally Up) 90 sec of song do air squats, second half of song to plank up/downs WOD: 5...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM VIDEO: WOD and WARM-UP explanation here WARM-UP: 3 sets: 15 Jumping Jacks 10 Good Mornings 5 Inchworms WOD: 1 min Stations for Max Reps, 5 Cycles: - Clean and Jerks (DB/KB or Barbell) - V Ups - Burpees - Rest Log your scores on...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM VIDEO: WOD and WARM-UP explanation WOD: "DECK OF CARDS" 30 min cap Spade = Up-downs Diamond = DB/KB Hang Power Snatch Club = Sit-Ups Heart = DB/KB Thruster Ace = 1 rep Jack = 11 reps Queen = 12 reps King =...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM VIDEO: WOD AND WARM-UP Explanation WARM-UP: 3 min Cardio then, 3x: 6 Squat Flow 6 Spider Lunge (forward and back) 6 Reverse Burpees 6 Pass Throughs 6 Turnovers 20 sec Handstand Hold WOD: (2 options) With DB/ KB: 12 min AMRAP 10 Weighted Sit-Ups 10...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM VIDEO: WOD and WARM-UP Explanation WARM-UP: 2 rounds, 20 sec of each: Cat/Cow Thoracic Rotation (both sides) Table Top Shoulder Taps Toe Touches Over Head Walks (each side) Tempo Air Squats STRENGTH: 4 rounds for quality: 5-8 Windmills (each side) 8 Renegade Rows (8...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM VIDEO: WOD and WARM-UP Explanation WARM-UP: 3 rounds for quality: 10 Scapula Push-ups 10 Scapula Pull-Ups / Rows  5 Single Leg Ground to Sky reach (each leg) 20 Clamshells (each side) WOD: 15 min Alternating EMOM: 8/8 Single Leg Romanian Deadlift...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM VIDEO: WOD and WARM-UP Explanation WARM-UP: 1 min Single Unders/ Side Shuffles then, 2x: 5 Reverse Burpees 5 Push-up Down Dog 5 Good Mornings 5 Press WOD: 20 min AMRAP (with a DB/KB) 15 Power Cleans 20 Front squats 25 Push Press *Every 2 min- 30 Double...

LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @ 8 AM, 12 PM, 5 PM VIDEO: WOD and WARM-UP Explanation WARM-UP: 10 Squat Flow 10 Spider Lunges 10 Crosses then, "ROXANNE" by The Police -every time he sings "Roxanne" do a burpee -every time he sings "turn out the red light" to an air squat WOD: For...