STRENGTH: Every 2 min for 5 sets 3 Back Squats @ 80% WOD: for time 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Pistols (total) Plate Overhead Sit-ups (35/25) REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE. LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 290772Class @ 12 PM ...

Skill: barbell cycling technique WOD:  for time: 800m Run 20 Clean and Jerks 800m Run 15 Clean and Jerks 800m Run 10 Clean and Jerks Lv1: 95/65 Lv2: 115/75 Lv3: 135/95 REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE. LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 290772Class @ 12 PM PEEK into the WEEK...

A. Every 90 sec for 6 sets (9min) 2 Snatch Pulls @ 100%+ B. 10 min to find 1 rep max Snatch (power or squat, athlete's choice) C.  Then, drop to 75% of that weight:  Every 30 sec for 10 min: 1 Snatch (power or squat, athlete's choice) REQUIRED by the City of San...

Partner WOD for time: 50 Cal Row  50 Overhead Squats 50 Chest-to-bar pull-ups 50 Thrusters 50 Box Jumps (24/20") 50 Power Cleans  50 Toes-to-bars 50 Cal Row  Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 75/55 Lv3: 95/65 Shared work, one partner works at a time. Lite N Tite: Sub barbell movements with Double DBs (Lv3: 35/25), and OHS with DB Overhead Lunges...

STRENGTH: Weighted Push-ups 5x5 -Partner up if needed to help stack weights on back -1:30-2 min rest between sets  -Still working on strict push-ups? Do 5 tempo push-ups: 3 sec negative with knees straight, then push back up on knees at regular speed WOD:  2 min on/ 1 min off- 5 rounds 100m...

STRENGTH: Every 2 min for 5 sets 5 Back Squats @ 75% WOD:  10 min AMRAP 10 Power Snatches 20 Back Rack Lunges  Lv1: 55/35 Lv2: 65/45 Lv3: 75/55 REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE. LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 290772Class @ 12 PM PEEK into the WEEK...

WOD: For time: 1 rd “Sindy” 20 Deadlifts 2rds “Sindy” 15 Deadlifts 3rds “Sindy” 10 Deadlifts 4rds “Sindy” 5 Deadlifts 5rds “Sindy” “Sindy”=  5 Burpees 10 Sit-ups 15 Air-squats  Lv1: .75 Bodyweight/ .5 Bodyweight Lv2: Bodyweight/ .75 Bodyweight Lv3: 1.5x Bodyweight/ Bodyweight REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE. LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 290772Class @...

BENCHMARK WOD: "Jackie" for time 1000m Row 50 Thrusters 45/35 30 Pull-ups 15 min time cap Click here to see time the averages from REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE. LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 290772Class @ 12 PM PEEK into the WEEK...

Skill: Kipping HSPU Technique Strength:  30 sec on/ 90 sec off - 5x  Max reps HSPU/ HSPU Negatives/ Box HSPU WOD: 8 min AMRAP 10 Single Arm Hang  DB Snatch 10 Single Arm DB Push Jerk 20 Double Unders Lv1: 24/15 Lv2: 35/25 Lv3: 50/35 REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class....

Benchmark WOD: “Kelly” 5 rounds for time 400m run 30 Box Jumps, 24/20" 30 Wall balls, 20/14 lbs REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE. PEEK into the WEEK...