Annual Team Paleo Challenge starts Jan 19th! Get more information about the challenge HERE. WORKOUT OF THE DAY A. Snatch 5 X 2 (20min) *Build each set B. 4 Rounds For Time 12/10 Cal Bike 10 Power Snatch *Rest 1 Minute after each round RX: 95/65 L2: 75/55 L1: 45/35 **Note we will be retesting "Grace"...

Annual Team Paleo Challenge starts Jan 19th! Get more information about the challenge HERE. WORKOUT OF THE DAY A. 18 Minutes to Complete: 4 X 3 Clean Pulls @ +100% B. 3 Sets For Quality: 12 Jumping BB Back Squats 12 DB Shoulder Shrugs (heavy) 12 BB Good mornings C. For Time: 500M...

Annual Team Paleo Challenge starts Jan 19th! Get more information about the challenge HERE. WORKOUT OF THE DAY Complete 7 Rounds For Time: 45 Sec Flutter Kicks 12/10 Cal Bike 2 TGU Each Arm (heavy) 80' Sled Push *30 Minute Cap **Note we will be retesting "Grace" on 1/31/2019** Log your scores on...

Annual Team Paleo Challenge starts Jan 19th! Get more information about the challenge HERE. WORKOUT OF THE DAY FOR TIME: 800M Run -Rest 3 Minutes- 9-7-5-3-1 Power Cleans 185/125 12-12-12-12-12 Lateral Burpee Over Bar -Rest 3 Minutes- 800M Run **Note we will be retesting "Grace" on 1/31/2019** Log your scores on Beyond...

Annual Team Paleo Challenge starts Jan 19th! Get more information about the challenge HERE. WORKOUT OF THE DAY Alternating every minute, on the minute, for 21 minutes: MIN 1: 15 Box Jumps 24/20 MIN 2: 20 Walls Balls 20/14 MIN 3: Rest **Note we will be retesting "Grace" on 2/2/2019** Log...

Annual Team Paleo Challenge starts Jan 19th! Get more information about the challenge HERE. WORKOUT OF THE DAY A. With a 15 minute running clock complete 4 sets: 2 Push Press with 3 sec tempo + 2 Push Jerk *Build each set as long as you can maintain the...

Annual Team Paleo Challenge starts Jan 19th! Get more information about the challenge HERE. WORKOUT OF THE DAY A. Back Squat 5 X 5 (25min) Build to a moderate load and keep the same weight across for all 5 Sets. B. Complete 3 Sets: 10 Back Rack Barbell Step Ups 20” 12...

Annual Team Paleo Challenge starts Jan 19th! Get more information about the challenge HERE. WORKOUT OF THE DAY A. Burgener Warm-Up B. Every minute, on the minute, for 12 Minutes: 3 Below the Knee Hang Touch N' Go Power Snatch *Only work with weight that you can go comfortably unbroken with....

Annual Team Paleo Challenge starts Jan 19th! Get more information about the challenge HERE. A. Rope Climb Technique *12 Minutes B. 5 Rounds For Quality 3 Rope Climbs 6 Windmills Each Arm 9 Strict T2B 18 Wall Balls 20/14 **Note we will be retesting "Grace" on 1/31/2019** Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't...

This Saturday Schedule: 8am Lite N Tite 9am CrossFit 10am Paleo Challenge info session 10:30am CrossFit Annual Team Paleo Challenge starts Jan 19th! Info session will be this Saturday, Jan 12 @ 10-10:30am. Get more information about the challenge HERE. A. Partner Offense/Defense X 3 D: 400M Run O: Max Rep DB...