01 Feb WOD- Friday, Feb 2
Strength: Deadlift 5x1 @ 90% E2M WOD: For time: with a 4 burpee EMOM interruption- start with burpees! 30 Sumo DL high pull 20 Hang Power Snatch 10 Barbell Burpee (G2OH) 20 Front Squat 30 Deadlift *15 min Cap* Lv1:...
Strength: Deadlift 5x1 @ 90% E2M WOD: For time: with a 4 burpee EMOM interruption- start with burpees! 30 Sumo DL high pull 20 Hang Power Snatch 10 Barbell Burpee (G2OH) 20 Front Squat 30 Deadlift *15 min Cap* Lv1:...
January Challenge Re-test: 1RM Weighted Pull-Up (scaled: max hold chin above bar) Strength: E2M running clock x 9 sets 3x3 Push Press 3x3 Push Jerk 3x3 Split Jerk WOD: 8 min Cap Bike Cal for time Lv1: 55/45 Lv2: 65/55 Lv3: 75/65 Need...
Strength: Back Squat 5x1 Start @ 90%, increase as desired Every 2 min for 10 min WOD: 3 min on/1 off-4 cycles 8 Box Jumps 30/24” 8 DB Snatch (total) 8 DB OHS (total) Lv1:...
Skill: Bar Muscle-up drills WOD: CrossFit Games Open 17.2 12 min AMRAP 2rds 50ft Lunges 16 T2B 8 DB Power Cleans 2rds 50ft lunges 16 Bar Muscle Ups 8 DB Power Cleans Rx: 50/35 scaled: 35/25 See WOD Standards HERE. 6pm Lite N Tite For time:...
Strength/WOD: E90 for 8 sets (Start at 60% and increase up to 75% if desired) Clean High Pull + Power Clean + Hang (Squat) Clean Then, E90 for 6 sets 3,3,2,2,1,1 Clean (Start at 70-75, increase as...
Strength: Ring Dips 5x5 Super set 5x5 strict T2B WOD: Alternating Tabata 16 rounds (8 min) -C2B/Pull-up -Burpee to a target (new open standards with feet moving together) Finish: 3 min wall sit Log your scores on Beyond...
8:30am Lite N Tite Strength: Alternating EMOM 10 10 DB thrusters 10 DB Power Cleans WOD: 10 rds 10 Wall Balls 7 Bike Cal Strength: 10 min to find a 2 rep max Thruster *From ground* WOD: CrossFit Open 17.5- see...
Benchmark WOD: "Jerry" Run 1 Mile Row 2k Run 1 Mile Need to plan your week? We are trying something new! Request to take a look at what to expect to see in the...
Strength: A: Power Snatch 5x3 E2M- try to start at 75% of 1 RM Snatch and increase from there as desired B: Deadlift 5x3 @ 85% E2M WOD: 9-15-21 T2B Row 8 min cap Need to plan...
Strength: Strict Press 5x1 Start at 90% increase from there WOD: 2 min on/1 min off-5 cycles 200m run Max Shoulder-to-Overhead Lv1: 95/65 Lv2: 135/85 Lv3: 155/105 Finisher: tricep BB smash Need to plan your week? We are trying something...