WOD Blog

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Strength: EMOM 5 3 Hang Cleans EMOM 5 2 Clean Pulls EMOM 5 1 Clean WOD: Run 200m every 2 min for 10 sets Log your WOD scores here: [standout-css3-button href="http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2016/May20/"]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging...

Warm/Skill: 5 min: Double under for max unbroken reps 4 rds: 20 sec on/ 20 sec off- Handstand hold Lv3: Free standing Strength: Push Press wk3, c2 75% + 5# x 5 85% + 5#...

Warm/Skill: 5 min: Double under for max unbroken reps 4 rds: 20 sec on/ 20 sec off- Handstand hold Lv3: Free standing Strength: Push Press wk3, c2 75% + 5# x 5 85% + 5#...

Strength A: EMOM 8 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch Strength B: Back Squat wk3,c2 75% + 10# x 5 85% + 10# x 3 95% + 10# x 1+ %based on 90% of 1RM WOD: WOD:...

Skill: Rope Climb Technique WOD: 6 min AMRAP 10 Rope climbs 30 DL 225/155 Lv1: 12 rope walks 115/75 Lv2: 6 rope climbs, 165/115 Lv3: 10 rope climbs, 225/155 3 min rest 6 min AMRAP 30 T2B 30 Power...

Strength A: EMOM 8 3 Power Cleans (TNG) Strength B: Deadlift wk3,c2 75% + 10# x 5 85% + 10# x 3 95% + 10# x 1+ %based on 90% of 1RM WOD: 12 min AMRAP 20-18-16-14-12 OH...

Strength: Push Press Wendler wk 2, c2 70% +10# x3 80% +10# x3 90%+10#x3+ WOD: Master’s event 3 15 min AMRAP 55 double-unders 15 chest-to-bar pull-ups 5 hang power cleans Men use 155 lb. Women use 105 lb. Log your WOD...

Strength A: 12 min 3 Pos snatch Floor, knee, high hang Work up to a heavy 1 rep (3 lifts total) Strength B: 12 min Back Squat Wendler wk 2, c2 70% +10# x3 80% +10# x3 90%+10#x3+ WOD: 9...

Mobility: Banded Ankle Anterior Skill: Pistol Partner WOD: 8 x 100m sprint then, 50 Burpees 40 Pullups 30 Pistols 20 KBS (70/53) 10 Strict HSPU/ 6 Wall Walks then, 8 x 100m sprint 25 min cap *Alternate on sprints then share work...

Skill: EMOM 6 2 heaving snatch balance w/ 2 sec pause at bottom Strength: Deadlift Wendler wk 2, cycle 2 70% +10# x3 80% +10# x3 90% +10# x3+ *% based on 90% of 1 RM WOD: 6 min...