28 Apr WOD- Friday, April 29
Check out the new Whiteboard by the ropes and get working on those Double Unders! Warm: Tabata DU 5 min AMRAP: 3 reps of each: DL, HPC, FS, SP, PP, PJ, BS Strength: Push Press...
Check out the new Whiteboard by the ropes and get working on those Double Unders! Warm: Tabata DU 5 min AMRAP: 3 reps of each: DL, HPC, FS, SP, PP, PJ, BS Strength: Push Press...
Strength: Back squat wendler wk 3 75% x 5 85% x 3 95 % x1+ *all % based on 90% of 1 RM WOD: CrossFit Games Master’s Qualifier Event 4 For time: 55 Burpees 34 Overhead Squats (95/65) 21...
Skill: (15 min) HSPU Kipping progression *only go to the next step after first step is mastered.* -Tripod -Tripod kick out to push up -tripod kickup and out to push up -Tripod kick up to handstand...
Benchmark WOD: "Helen" 3 rds for time 400 m run 21 KBS (53/35) 12 pull-ups Strength: Deadlift Wendler week 3 75% x 5 85% x 3 95 % x1+ *all % are based off 90% of 1 RM 6pm Lite N...
Strength A: Every 90 sec- 8 sets Hang Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks Strength B: Push Press- Wendler Week 3 75% x 5 85% x 3 95% x 1+ *% based on 90% of 1...
9:30 am and 10:30 am All Levels CrossFit Hero WOD: “Lumberjack 20” (45 min Cap) 20 Deadlifts (275/185) Run 400m 20 KB swings (2pood) Run 400m 20 Overhead Squats (115/85) Run 400m 20 Burpees Run 400m 20 Pullups (Chest to Bar) Run...
Strength: EMOM for 5 min 3 Sumo DL - same load all 5 sets Skill: 8 min MU drills Scaled: 8 min AMRAP for quality Ring support hold (20-30 sec) Ring Rows x 5 GHD sit up x...
Strength A: Every 2 min for 12 min 2 cleans (squat) + jerk @ 65-75% Strength B: Wendler Back Squat week 2 70% x 3 80% x 3 90% x max reps % based on 90% of...
Strength: Wendler Push Press wk 2 % based on 90% of 1 rm 70% x 3 80% x 3 90% x Max reps Skill: HSPU technique WOD 1: 4 rounds 8 HSPU 16 cal row Rest 1 min between rounds Rest 5...
Skill: -10 min working on Pull-up Technique: Kipping/ Butterfly -5 min reviewing Push-up Technique Main: 12 min alternating EMOM Odd minute: Perform in an unbroken sequence -3 kipping Pull-up -2 C2B -1 bar MU *Scaled = 5 pull-ups...