Skill/Strength: Work Up to a heavy set of 5 KB snatches (each arm and must be tap and go), then perform a 5x5 a that weigh. (20 min time cap) WOD: 10 min AMRAP 20 KB Swings @ 53/35# 15 Box Jumps @ 24/20" 10 Wall Balls @ 20/14# WOD...

Announcement! Today is the Powerlifting Seminar at 12:30 pm. You can still sign up! Don't miss out on this sweet opportunity to be coached by National Champ Molly O'Rourke. Strength: Weighted Ring Push Ups 6x4 WOD: for time (20 min Cap) 10-1 G2O @ 115/75 or 45% of 1RM...

Announcement! Tomorrow is the Powerlifting Seminar You can still sign up! Don't miss out on this sweet opportunity to be coached by National Champ Molly O'Rourke. Partner WODs WOD 1: 7 min AMRAP for max reps Partner A holds a plate straight out in front while partner B accumulates...

Announcement! Sign up for our Powerlifting Seminar being held this Sunday, Feb 23rd. Led by National Champ Molly O'Rourke. Skill: Find hardest HSPU and Pistol progressions that can perform 5 quality, unbroken repetitions. WOD/Benchmark: “Mary” 20 min AMRAP 5 HSPU 10 Pistols 15 Pull-ups [standout-css3-button href=""]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account?...

Announcement! Sign up for our Powerlifting Seminar being held this Sunday, Feb 23rd. Led by National Champ Molly O'Rourke. Strength: Bent Over Row w/ DB/KB 4 x 15 reps, find a heavy weight and complete 4 sets at that same weight WOD: 6 rounds For Reps 30 sec max KB...

Announcement! Sign up for our Powerlifting Seminar being held this Sunday, Feb 23rd. Led by National Champ Molly O'Rourke. Strength: Front Squat Warm up to 80% of your 1RM then perform a 5x3 at that weight WOD: 3 Rounds for time 5 Back Squats @ 225/155 or 70% of...

Announcement! Sign up for our Powerlifting Seminar being held this Sunday, Feb 23rd. Led by National Champ Molly O'Rourke. Strength: Floor Press 10 min to work up to a heavy 2 rep, then drop weight 15% and go for max reps. WOD: “Hundo the Purist” For time: (18 min...

Announcement! Sign up for our Powerlifting Seminar being held next Sunday, Feb 23rd. Led by National Champ Molly O'Rourke. Strength: Deadlift Every 2 min complete 3 DL at 80% of 1RM for 10 min WOD: 10 rounds for quality @85/55 Every 2 min complete the following complex 2 DL...

Announcement! Sign up for our Powerlifting Seminar being held next Sunday, Feb 23rd. Led by National Champ Molly O'Rourke. Skill: Handstand Hold/ Walks Spend 15 mins Advanced: Free HS and HS walking Beginner: Headstand and Handstands against the wall WOD: For Time 1000-500-250-100m Row 800-400-200-100 m Run Finisher: 3 x 10 GHD Sit ups 3...

Paleo Challenge: You are dunked and now what? Come Saturday 2/15 at 10:30 am for a intro to Paleo living and meet our meat CSA Pastoral Plate. Announcement! Sign up for our Powerlifting Seminar being held next Sunday, Feb 23rd. Led by National Champ Molly...