Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Tribute WOD For Time: 63 Burpees (1963 “I have a dream” speech was delivered) 200m run 64 Air squats (1964 Civil Rights Act was passed) 200m run 64 Hand Release Push-ups (1964 Nobel Peace Prize was won) 200m run 65 Kettlebell Swings, 70/44# (1965 Voting Rights Act was...

A. Split Jerk Drills: -Positioning (w/ PVC) -Tall Jerks 3x3 @ light -Long step drill 3x3 @ light B. Every 90 sec- 4 sets  2 Pause Split Jerks* + 1 Split jerk (*2 sec pause in bottom of dip) C. Every 90 sec -3 sets 2 Split Jerk Every 90 sec- 3 sets 1 Split jerk Finisher: Accumulate 3 min...

8:30 AM LITE N TITE Part A: 15 min AMRAP 300 m Run 20 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35) 10 Up-downs 5 min REST/ Switch Part B: 10 min AMRAP 15/10 Cal Row 15 Wall Balls 9:30/ 10:30/ 11:30 AM CLASS Part A: Every 2 min for 5 sets  1 Squat Clean + 4 Front Squats 8 min...

STRENGTH: 20 min to work up to a heavy 3 rep Deadlift  (about 85% of 1 RM) Then, deload for WOD and rest 5-6 min before starting WOD: “Sham” 7 rounds for time: (15 min CAP) 11 Deadlifts @ Bodyweight  100m run Lv1: 115/75 Lv2: 70% of BW (Note: This was performed on 7/17/20, check...

Skill: Kipping HSPU WOD:  30 sec on/off- 6 sets  30 sec- HSPU (kipping or strict) for reps 30 sec rest 30 sec- V-ups for reps 30 sec rest STRENGTH: 5 Strict Press Every 2 min x 5 sets  @ 70-75% REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE. LINK FOR VIRTUAL...

STRENGTH: 5 Back Squats every 2 min for 5 sets @ 75% (Week 2 of 5) WOD: 12 min AMrep Buy-in:  Run 4 laps outside the field (1,344m) Clean and Jerks for max reps in remaining time Lv1: 95/65 Lv2: 115/75 Lv3: 135/95 REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before...

WOD A: For time: 3 rounds  10 Strict Pull-ups + 20 Unbroken* Wall Balls  Rest 1.5 min between rounds  15 min cap *There is no stopping to rest, or dropping of the ball within the 20 reps. If that happens, must do a 10 burpees penalty, then carry on....

NUTRITION SEMINAR TODAY AT 3PM WITH COACH CHRIS! Join in to learn how to clean up your diet for performance, weight-loss, or just to get back on track! We will also be going over details on the 2021 PANDEMIC DETOX CHALLENGE which begins Jan 18th!...

8:30 AM LITE N TITE PART A:  12 min AMRAP 6 HSPU/ Pike Push-Up 9 Cal Row 12 Box Jumps 8 min rest/switch PART B: 12 min AMRAP 6 SA DB/KB Clean R 6 SA DB/KB Push Jerk R 6 SA DB/KB Clean L 6 SA DB/KB Push Jerk L 1, 50m Shuttle run Lv1: 25/15 Lv2: 35/25 Lv3: 50/35 9:30/10:30/11:30...

STRENGTH: Every 2.5 min- 5 sets  4 Back Rack Lunges R + 4 Back Rack Lunges L (reverse step) WOD: For Time 10-1 Pistols (total) Knee-2-Elbow COOL DOWN: Pigeon pose/ glute stretch Overhead banded distraction. (VIDEO) REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK HERE. LINK FOR VIRTUAL CLASS HERE!Password: 549884Class @...