WORKOUT OF THE DAY AMRAP X 9 48 Double Unders 15 Wall Balls 20/14 7 Burpees Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP X 6 36 Double Unders 12 Wall Balls 20/14 5 Burpees Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP X 3 24 Double Unders 9 Wall Balls 20/14 3 Burpees Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't...

WORKOUT OF THE DAY July Challenge Max Plank Hold *5 Min Cap CLEAN COMPLEX Every 90 second for 15 minutes 1 Clean High Pull + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Squat Clean *Build to a heavy complex FOR TIME 5-7-9-15-12-9 Squat Clean 155/105 T2B *12 Min Cap ____________________________________________________________ LITE N' TITE FOR TIME 800M Run Then, 5...

WORKOUT OF THE DAY FOR TIME 21-18-15-12 Box Jumps 24/20 V-ups Rest 5 Minutes 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME 15/10 Calories Bike 10 R-Arm DB Snatch 50/35 15/10 Calories Bike 10 L-Arm DB Snatch 50/35 *25 Min Cap Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a...

CROSSFIT STRENGTH Banded Tempo Goblet Squat 3 X 8 *5s Tempo/3s Pause 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME 75 DU 50 Air Squats 25/18 Cal Row ____________________________________________________________ LITE N' TITE 2 MIN ON/ 30 SEC REST X 4 ROUNDS 1 Round = 2 Min: Row 250/200m DU for reps Rest 30 Sec 2 Min: Row 250/200m Grasshoppers for reps Rest 30 Sec Log your...

STRENGTH EMOM X 6 2 Power Clean/Jerk *Build every set to a moderate-heavy WORKOUT EMOM X 20 MIN 1: 8 Lateral Burpee/Bar - Max Rep Clean/Jerk 135/95 MIN 2: Rest Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account?

WORKOUT OF THE DAY AMRAP X 30 250M Row 10 Rower Pike Up 45 Sec Kb Front Rack Hold Bike 12/10 8/8 Side Plank Rotations w/db 20 Walking Lunges MOBILITY 10-12MIN LITE N' TITE 5 ROUNDS AMRAP X 3 7 Box Jumps 11 Sit-ups 35 Double Unders Log your scores on Beyond the Whiteboard Don't...

CROSSFIT EMOM X 10 MIN 1: 3 Push Jerk MIN 2: 15 Sec Bike Sprint *Build to a heavy 3 Push Jerk AMRAP X 9 10 Push Jerk 115/75 30 Double Unders L2: 95/65 L1: 75/55 _________________________________________________________ LITE N' TITE STRENGTH 3 X 10 Single Leg Db RDL 3 ROUNDS FOR TIME 500M Row 12 Burpees 21 Box...