WOD Blog

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Drill: 4 min AMRAP with empty bar Muscle SN Pressing SN Bal SN Bal High Hang SN Hang SN WOD: Alternating EMOM-7rds 30 sec max Strict Pull-up 2 Hang (Squat) Snatch- pick load *Sub with 3 Neg Pull-ups, or banded...

Great job on Open 16.2! Don't forget to submit your score by 5pm, and include your tie-break time! WOD 30 min AMRAP 7 Clean and Jerks 14 Box jumps 24/20" 21 Air Squats Lv1: 95/65 Lv2:...

Great job on Open 16.2 yesterday! Don't forget to submit your score, and include your tie-break time! Strength: Deadlift 5x8 Every 3 min Start at 65% and increase from there WOD 21 min EMOM Min...

Week two of the CrossFit Games Open! Saturdays' Schedule Feb 27-March 27th 9am Lite N Tite 9:30 am-11:30 come anytime to do the open workout. First heat starts at 10am! (registered...

Skill: Tall Jerk/ short step and long step drills Strength: Split Jerk every 90 sec 3x2 Pause Split Jerk (hold the catch for 3 sec) then, 10 min: Work up to a heavy 1 rep off the...

Second Week of CrossFit Games Open! Thursday's Schedule Feb 25-March 25th 6am, 7am, 8am and 12pm are regular scheduled classes and WODs No Class at 5pm- come watch the open announcement...

Second Week of CrossFit Games Open! Thursday's Schedule Feb 25-March 25th 6am, 7am, 8am and 12pm are regular scheduled classes and WODs No Class at 5pm- come watch the open announcement...

Skill: 15 min for quality Muscle-Up “Freestyle” Drills -swing hip to rings -ring support, drop to tuck -banded “toe-hip” -banded “toe-hip-knee” Scaled: 15 min AMRAP for quality Ring Rows x5 (vertical forearms) Ring Support Holds x max time GHD Sit-ups x10 WOD:...

Strength: Snatch DL to knee + Snatch Pull 3-2-1-1-1 WOD: 5 Rope Climb/ 25 K2E 5 Snatch 135/95 4 Rope Climb/ 20 K2E 4 Snatch 155/105 3 Rope Climb/ 15 K2E 3 Snatch 165/115 2 Rope Climb/ 10...

Happy Leap Day! For those of you registered for the CrossFit Open- Don't forget to submit your scores by 5pm! Strength: 5x10 Bench Press WOD: 5 rounds (7 min Cap) 5 HSPU/ 1 Wall...