WOD Blog

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Skill: Muscle up drills (15 min) 2sets -Swing Hip to Rings x5 -Ring Supports x5 -Transitions x5 -Jumping MU transition (no dip) (no dip) x5 WOD 1: EMOM 10 10 wallballs 1-3 MU WOD 2: For time 20 T2B 50 Plate Burpees (45/25) 20...

Benchmark WOD: "Bear Complex" 7-7-7-7-7 Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets. This counts as one set: 1 Power Clean 1 Front Squat 1 Push-Press 1 Back Squat 1 Push-Press Complete seven...

STRENGTH: Bench Press 5x1 @ 90% WOD: 5 rounds for time 15 Ring Rows 20 V-Ups 50 Double Unders Lv1: 150 Single unders Lv2: 25 DU Sasha Yevelev is the CFPH Athlete of the Month for August! Check out...

STRENGTH: 3 max sets of strict HSPU WOD: 2 min AMRAP 3 Front Squat 4 Push Press 5 Thrusters (@75/65) -2 min rest- 3 min AMRAP Same @ 95/75 -2 min rest- 4 min AMRAP Same @105/85 -2 min rest- 5 min Amrap Same @...

Skill: Kipping/Butterfly pull-up progressions WOD: 30 pull-ups for time rest 2 minutes, 3 rounds 400m run 20 burpees rest 2 minutes, 30 pull-ups for time Sasha Yevelev is the CFPH Athlete of the Month for August! Check out...

STRENGTH: 5x3 3 second Pause Back Squat @ 65% every 2 mins Do not get lazy here!! Proper form before depth or increase in weight. WOD: 9 min AMRAP 3 Power Cleans 6 Back Squats Lv1: 75/55 Lv2:...

STRENGTH: E2MOM for 8 min 8 Barbell stationary lunges (4 on each leg) WOD: 4 rounds for time and quality: 20 Push-ups 20 BB step-ups 75/55 Lv1: DB step ups Sasha Yevelev is the CFPH Athlete of...

STRENGTH: 5 EMOM Tall Snatch + Hang Snatch + Snatch then increase weight, 5 min EMOM Hang Snatch + Snatch then increase weight, 5 min EMOM 1 Snatch WOD: 5 rds 2 min Interval/ 1 min rest 1...

10 min Build to max Thruster rest 2 mins 8 EMOM 2 thrusters @75% rest 2 mins 40 thrusters for time @50% *40/20 DU penalty for dropped bar Finisher: 3 rounds for quality 15 supermans 15 hollow rocks p style="text-align: center;">Sasha...

STRENGTH: Alt EMOM 15 min (5 rounds, each round = 3 min) 5 Sumo DL 5-10 Strict T2B rest 1 minute Benchmark WOD: “Christine” 3 RFT 500m row 12 Deadlift @ Bodyweight 21 Box Jump 24/20" Sasha Yevelev...