WOD Blog

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Benchmark WOD: “Fight Gone Bad” 1 min stations Wall Balls (20/14) SDHP 45/35# Box jumps 24/20 Push Press 45/35# Row (cal) REST [standout-css3-button href="http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2014/Apr/12"]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here and join CrossFit...

STRENGTH: Wendler Week 2 Deadlift % based on 90% of 1 RM 70% x3 80% x3 90% xMR Learn more about the Wendler 5-3-1 here. WOD: 5 rds Partner Offense /Defense D:200 m run O: Man Makers for...

STRENGTH: 15 min to find a 3 rep max Front Squat from Floor (Yes, a squat clean counts as one rep. No, not required to squat clean the first rep) WOD: 8...

STRENGTH: Wendler Bench Press % based on 90% of 1 RM 70% x3 80% x3 90% xMR Learn more about the Wendler program here. WOD: 3 min AMRAP/ 1 min Rest- 4 cycles 6 Ring...

STRENGTH: 10 min EMOM Hang Pwr Snatch + SN Balance WOD: 12 min AMRAP 12 Pwr Snatch 8 OHS 12 Pwr Clean 8 Push Press Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 75/55 Lv3: 95/65 [standout-css3-button href="http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2014/Apr/8"]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a BTWB...

STRENGTH: Back Squat % based on 90% of 1 RM 70% x3 80% x3 90% xMR Accessory WOD: 4 rds for quality, not time 5 seated box jumps for height and speed 10 RKBS @heavy 30 sec HS hold Finish: Tabata...

HERO WOD: "Holden" 10 Rds For Time: 5 Thrusters 10 Pull Ups 100m Sprint 1 min Rest Lv1: 65/45 Lv2: 95/65 Lv3: 125/85 [standout-css3-button href="http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2014/Apr/6"]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here and join CrossFit Potrero...

Happy Easter! Regular Class Schedule Today 9:30 and 10:30 Class Easter WOD: 4rds, each for time: 500m Row 40 KBS (35/25) 30 Hang Power Cleans (75/45) 20 Push Ups rest 3 min [standout-css3-button href="http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2014/Apr/5"]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have...

Today at 2pm at World Gym is the Zumba Fundraiser for Parkinson's! If you like to dance, or want to learn some moves, this will be the most fun, sweaty...

Announcement! Starting this week Clean Break Barbell Club will be meeting at a new time. Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays at 6:30pm-8pm. And Saturdays 11:30-1pm. If you are interesting in bettering your...