24 Apr WOD- Friday, April 25
Strength: Segment Clean Pull (1 inch from floor, above the knee, hip, shrug) + Power Clean 12 min to work up to a heavy set, and perform...
Strength: Segment Clean Pull (1 inch from floor, above the knee, hip, shrug) + Power Clean 12 min to work up to a heavy set, and perform...
Strength 1: 12 min to work up to a heavy set of 1 Strict Press + 2 Push Press + 3 Push Jerk Strength 2: Then take 80% of that weight from...
Mobilize: 12 min to mobilize hips, ankles, and shoulders 1. Trailing Leg Hip Extension 2. Banded Heel Cord- Anterior Approach 3. Banded Heel Cord- Posterior Approach 3. Overhead Tissue Smash Warm up: 3 sets at...
Strength: Front Squat 4-3-2-1-2-3-4 *Goal is to try and keep adding weight with each set WOD: 10 min AMRAP 7 Front Squats @ 155/105 100m Run 7 Box Jump @ 30/24 Finisher: 3, 1 minute plank holds, rest...
Strength: Strict Weighted Pull Ups 3-3-3-3-3 Weighted Push Ups 3-3-3-3-3 WOD: 3 Rounds for time 35 Sit Ups 25 Hand Release Push Up WOD Prep with Yasmen- How to prepare your body before the WOD 1. Psoas Smash and...
Skill: Double Under Technique 3 min Max Double Unders WOD: 16 min AMRAP 4 Bar Muscle Ups* 8 Power Cleans (135/95/55-65% 1 RM) 24 Double unders *sub for 6 burpee C2B pull-up/8 burpee pull-ups ...
Partner WOD: 5 rounds Run 200 m 10 burpee box jumps 10 SDHP 75/55/40-50% 1RM 10 Thrusters 75/55/40-50% 1RM rest *One partner does an entire round as the other partner rests WOD Prep with Yasmen- How...
Paleo Challenge Hydrostatic Weigh-in is today! Make sure to reserve a spot to test your body composition. Anyone not part of the paleo challenge is welcome to do this. The...
Paleo Challenge Ends Saturday! Sign up for a dunk time if you haven't already. There are still spots available. Strength: Bench Press Warm up sets: x 12 x 8 x...
8 min to work up to 70% of 1RM Squat Clean Strength: 10 min EMOM Odd min: 5-10 Strict Pull Ups Even Min: 1 Squat Clean @ 70% 1 RM Squat Clean +...