WOD Blog

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Reminder, Only 10AM Class Today "De Haro Turkey Hustle" If you just asked "What does that mean?" Don't. It will be much better for your psyche to show up without reading...

STR Split Jerk 10 min time cap to FIND YOUR 1RM! WOD 3 Rounds For Time (8 min time cap) 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 24/20" 15 Power Cleans @ 115/75# Finisher For Time (3 min time...

Skill 2000M Row for time WOD 5 Rounds for time: 10 Pendlay Rows @ 75/55# 400m plate carry @ 45/25# 20 Jumping Squats [standout-css3-button href="http://beyondthewhiteboard.com/gyms/866-crossfit-potrero-hill/2013/nov/26"]WOD LOGGING[/standout-css3-button] Don't have a BTWB WOD Logging Account? Click Here and join CrossFit...

STR 3-3-3-3-3-AMR(eps)AP DL ***Work up to heaviest weight, then on last set go max reps at that weight. WOD 7 min AMRAP 5 Muscle Ups (Modification Burpee Chest to Bar Pull ups) 100m Run Rest 2 min 5...

WOD 2 min stations for max reps 1 min rest between each station a) Sled or prowler push 30 ft (no added weight) b) Bar Muscle Ups (sub Burpee Chest to Bar...

DRESS CODE FOR SATURDAY WOD: If you have a CFPH Tee, throw it on today! Please try to avoid wearing another CrossFit affiliate's logo tee & try to avoid...

STR Start at 50# below 1RM, then: 10+ min EMOM 1 Power Clean Add 5 lbs each set. If you accomplish your 1RM at 10 Min, continue EMOM until failure. WOD (Use 65% of weight of...

Mobilize: Calves, hip flexors and IT bands WOD Row 800m Run 800 m Row 400 m Run 400 m Row 200 m Run 200 m Row 100 m Sprint 100 m **Stagger start times to keep rower availability** [standout-css3-button...

“Fight Gone Bad” 3 rounds for reps, 1 min per station, of: Wall Balls @ 20#, 10 ft SDHP @ 75# BJ @ 20 in PP @ 75# Row for # of calories Rest 1 min Rotate...

STR Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 at 85% of 1 RM Maintain the same weight for all 5 sets of 3 reps WOD 7 min AMR(eps)AP OH Barbell Lunges (step back or forward, no walking. Feet must...