Strength: Back Squat Wendler week 3, cycle 2 75% + 10# x 5 85% + 10# x 3 95% + 10# x max reps (all % are based off 90% of 1 RM) WOD: 12 min AMRAP 8 Double...
Strength: Back Squat Wendler week 3, cycle 2 75% + 10# x 5 85% + 10# x 3 95% + 10# x max reps (all % are based off 90% of 1 RM) WOD: 12 min AMRAP 8 Double...
Skill: Bar Muscle-up drills Research! Watch this Video WOD: 10 rounds for time 3 Burpee Bar MU/ 5 burpee C2B/ 5 Burpee Pull-up 10 Wall Balls, 30/20# Run 100m Rest 1 min WB scaling goal: Go heavier or higher than...
Skill: 10 min Handstand practice WOD: For time: 15 Deadlifts 50ft Handstand walk/ 5 wall walks 15 Deadlifts 25 Strict HSPU 15 Deadlifts 25 Strict HSPU 15 Deadlifts 50ft Handstand Walk/ 5 wall walks Lv1: 135/95 Lv2: 185/125 Lv3: 225/155 1 wall walk...
Attention! We are pushing our launch to WODify to next week. Please email info@crossfitpotrerohill.com if you have any questions. WOD: for time 9-15-21-15-9 Ring Dips/ Push-ups 27-45-63-45-27 Double Unders Finisher: 4x alternating, for quality Filly mixed overhead carry...
Mobility: -Lat foam roll x 90 sec per side -OH banded distraction x 30 sec per side -Banded lat pull-down x 15-20 reps -Banded rocking spider lunge x 10 each leg Skill/ Technique: Every 2...
Hero WOD: "Badger" 3 rounds for time 30 Squat Cleans 30 Pull-ups 800m run Lv1: 45/35 Lv2: 75/55 Lv3: 95/65 LNT: Double DB squat cleans (Lv3: 35/25) "In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of Virginia Beach,...
Strength: Wendler -week 2, cycle 2 Deadlift (all % are based off 90% of 1 RM) 70% + 10# x 3 80% + 10# x 3 90% + 10# x max reps WOD: 13 min AMRAP 13 Sumo...
STRENGTH: 20 min to find 1 Rep Max Bench Press Partner WOD: For time 80 Assault bike Cal 90 Wall Balls, (20/14) 100 Sit-ups -Share work as desired -Only one person works at a time. *18 min cap* PEEK into the...
STRENGTH: Back squat Wendler week 2, cycle 2 70% + 10# x 3 80% + 10# x 3 90% + 10# x max reps (all % are based off 90% of 1 RM) WOD: 2 rounds, each for...
Skill: Ring MU drills (10 min) -Ring drops -Transitions -Swings Strength: EMOM 10 Ring MU x 1-5 each min Or 10 min AMRAP for quality 10-15 sec Ring support hold 5 Ring rows 10-15 GHD sit-ups WOD: 10 min AMRAP 28 Unbroken DU 7 Double...