A. 30 sec on/off- 6 rounds 30s Strict pull-ups 30s Rest 30s Hollow hold 30s Rest 5 min rest/switch then, B. 30 sec on/off - 6 rounds 30s Box jumps/ Step-ups 30s Rest 30s HSPU/ box HSPU 30s Rest ...
A. 30 sec on/off- 6 rounds 30s Strict pull-ups 30s Rest 30s Hollow hold 30s Rest 5 min rest/switch then, B. 30 sec on/off - 6 rounds 30s Box jumps/ Step-ups 30s Rest 30s HSPU/ box HSPU 30s Rest ...
WOD: "CROSSFIT TOTAL" Find the 1 rep max of each movement for the day: Back Squat Strict Press Deadlift ...
WOD: 25 min AMRAP 100 m run 10 Single Arm DB Burpees DL (35/25) 200m run 20 V-ups 300m run 30 Single Arm DB Hang Snatch (35/25) 400 m run 40 Grasshoppers A PEEK INTO THE WEEK...
STRENGTH: A. Every 2 min- 3 sets 2 [Halting* Snatch High Pull + Hang Power Snatch] *2 sec pause at knee B. Every 90 sec x 6 sets Halting* Power Snatch + Power Snatch *2 sec...
STRENGTH: Every 2 min, 8 x 3 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerks WOD: 30 sec on/off - 10 rounds Row for max calories REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short...
STRENGTH: 1 min stations, for 5 rounds: -Front Foot Elevated Lunges x5 each leg wtih KB/DB- AHAP -Bent Over Row w/ KB/DB x 10 -Plank Bird Dog x 10 WOD: 10 min AMRAP 50 Unbroken Double Unders 20...
WOD: Clean and Jerk Sindie's* 1-10 Clean and Jerks 1 rd Sindy* between each set (10 total) *Sit-up Cindy (Sindy)= 5 Push-up + 10 Sit-ups + 15 Air Squats Lv1: 95/65 Lv2: 135/85 Lv3: 155/105 REQUIRED by the City...
STRENGTH: Every 2.5 min, for 5 sets 3 Deadlifts WOD: 3 rds for time 26 Hang DB/KB Snatch (50/35) 336 m Run REQUIRED by the City of San Francisco: Short COVID-19 Questionnaire before EVERY class. CLICK...
OUTDOOR CLASSES CANCELED DUE TO WEATHER. #rainydaysunday JOIN FROM YOUR HOME FOR VIRTUAL CLASS INSTEAD AT 10:30AM Home WOD: 5 rounds for time: 60 Air Squats 30 Plank Up-downs (VIDEO) 15 HSPU/ Pike Push-ups LINK...
8:30 am Lite N Tite: A: 2 min on/ 1 min off- 5x Run 100m Alternating DB Snatch for reps, (50/35) B: 2 min on/ 1 min off- 5rds 15/10 Cal Row Pistols for reps 9:30, 10:30, 11:30...